Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Octave and C++

I have been looking for a vector matrix library which can be used in C/C++ directly. Don't you think it would be cool if you could write something like C = A * B where C, A and B are matrices. This is not like I was n't aware of existence of such libraries. For instance, sometime back I used a library called CVMLIB. This library provides very good interface for all kinds of matrices and vectors along with a number of linear algebra routines. I don't know why I gave up using that. More recently I came across a library called liboctave. This provides a similar interface with the promise that it is possible to call several octave routines directly from a C++ program. I found it simpler to use as compared to CVMLIB. But I must admit that CVMLIB is more complete as compared to liboctave. If I can learn using octave functions, then it would be really great. Presently I am using a mixture of gsl, lapack, blas routines to get my work done.

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